Late Night Sounds: Haitian Edition

Nothing is more soothing late night than some good kompa. Kompa kap fe ren’w woule!

Now, I know most of you “Haitians” are use to mainstream Haitian artists so, let me put you on! In honor of the end of Haitian Heritage Month and the beginning of Carribean-American Month, I share songs I listen to when your head gouye with your pillow late night.

Cocktail – Kai ft 5Lan

So, Kaï is a mainstream artist. But, this song is different and I am addicted to it. Might be because of 5Lan or that hint of American electronic dance music mixed in with Kompa. Its a clever combination. Actually, Kai is bringing a new sound to Haitian music. Take a listen.

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One More Time – Michee

Now you know Haitian music go on for 8 minutes or more, and this is on the lengthy side. But the quality of the melody is worth it. You’ll yayad, gouye, and wine in this 9 minutes.  DEKALE BANANE LAN!

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Dream- ST3P

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San Ou- Mitch Luv

Apparently there are two versions of this song. I am not a HUGE fan of the II but, I love the first. I know love songs are not for everyone but this song is deep.

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Take it All- RonaldBS ft KingFrantz

If you do not know RonaldBS, YOU ARE WELCOME! I know from listening to this , you will immediately become a fan like I did. He literally turns average songs into GOLD.

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All I Want is You – J-Ron (remix)  ft Yunggroov

OK! LISTEN! This is the remix. The OG is nice, but this mix! Someones future baby will be made to this song. That is all I am saying. Samyluv just… banm fèmen bouche mwen.

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Cupid (Let My Love Grow On You)- 5LAN

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My Life – JAM O P

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She’s A Boy – 3JES

Where is 3JES? Neg sa yo la toujou!  Granted, this song is over 2 years old.

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Toxic-Deja Kondane

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Late Night Sounds is not an introduction to new music, its just music I find myself writing about while embracing the sounds late at night.

Shoutout to my muse, insomnia you are the illest!